With my leg extended, hovering from the boat over the turquoise seas, one hand firmly placed on my mask and regulator, the other on my weight belt....
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Read our latest guides, news and other helpful tips.
Some Fascinating Facts You Did Not Know About Mantas
Diving with manta rays is one of the most breathtaking encounters that divers can experience. The way that they glide so effortlessly is a beautiful...
11 Hand Signals You Need To Remember When Diving In Komodo
Clear communication skills are needed when you are in the middle of the ocean. This is why divers use hand signals to let others know what they want...
Fish ID: What You Can Expect To Find In Komodo National Park
Komodo National Park is located in Eastern Indonesia and is home to over 1,000 different types of fish species and roughly 260 types of...
4 Sharks You Can Find In Komodo And How To Dive With Them
Diving with reef sharks is one of those things that are on many diver’s bucket list! But you may be a bit apprehensive about how you should act when...
6 Useful Tips To Help Reduce Your Daily Plastic Waste
Plastics are now affecting all that we do in our daily lives. Whether it's to go shopping, go to work, eating out; we use plastic all the time and...
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Since it opened in 2013, Flores Diving Centre has been renowned for its friendly and personalized service.

Jl. Soekarno Hatta, Labuan Bajo,
Flores (Indonesia).